For the Blues EP (ORG003-D)

After is amazing Album “On Your Own Again” signed on Agoria’s label , Cubenx returns with the very Unique “For The Blues EP”
Soul Camp does a great Job with a more dancefloor version of “For The Blues ”

Cubenx / For The Blues
You don’t really know where this track will go when you start listening to its intro. With its heavy but confident percussion it’s almost surprising how the pad stabs ease you into its deep mood. The vocal sample is an absolute jewel with its melancholic and sensual character. It works well both as a down tempo, chill out tool or a warm up, romantic mood-setter.

Cubenx / For The Blues – Soul Camp Remix
Soul Camp remix of ‘For The Blues’ takes the original track to a separate funk dimension with its masterfully executed bass lines, vocal chops and synth parts. Only the pads and the vocal retain the original romance and this contrast works really well. It also has some good old-school breakbeat feel. Overall it’s a very dynamic, piece with the mixture of dark and sexy groove.

Cubenx / Francoeur
This track is oozing cool, calm intelligent vibe and the depth sewn together by intertwining melodies and textures. It flows in one breath, just like its vocal sample, moaning and demanding attention. Loving and caring piano part makes it perfect. Emotionally it resembles newly found love, sweet, adventurous, never ending loop of pleasure. Played at the right time this can be the highlight of the night.

Cubenx / Reykiavik
Reykiavik is probably best defined as slow, dark, esoteric euphoria. Its repetitiveness and revolving pads produce strong dizzy spells, making you nod and appreciate its dynamism. Unhurriedly it descends into dark break down and emerges back into the same movement with additions of subtle percussion that only increases the tension and overall uncertainly. Slow burning passion dies out as leisurely as it starts. It resembles the wind, with its unsettling, powerful and unpredictable nature.